Business Assistant
Business Assistant.iso
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The Public (Software) Library
P.O.Box 35705 Houston, TX 77235-5705
Problem Report Form
Although we try to test all programs, some bugs may get by us, or you
may have incomptible hardware or software which we do not have to test.
Please use this form to report program problems to the P(s)L and to the
program author. Letters to the P(s)L become the property of the P(s)L.
We try to send personal replies when a self-addressed, stamped envelope
is provided, but questions are normally answered in the newsletter. It
is not feasible for us to try to troubleshoot programs over the phone,
so please mail this form instead of calling.
Your Name: ________________________ Date: ______________
Address: __________________________________________________
Program Name: _____________________ Disk ID: _____________
Bugs, Suggestions & Comments:
(Please be as specific as possible about bugs. If we cannot
duplicate your problem, we cannot help get it fixed.
Please read the program's documentation carefully first.)
System Configuration:
Computer: ____________________ Amount of memory: __________
Video Card: IBM-Mono/CGA/EGA/VGA/Herc/Other: _______________
Type of Monitor: IBM-Mono/Color/Composite/Other: ___________
Printer: _____________________ Hard disk? Y/N__ DOS: _____
Number of floppies: __________ Other: _____________________
Resident Utilities Used: ___________________________________
By reporting any bugs, you can help us prevent the spread of
non-working software. While we try to test every program, it
is not possible to give each program the in-depth usage that
reveals the most bugs. Although we will do everything in our
power to see that all bugs are fixed, we do not warrant any
of these programs to be bug-free.
- The Public Software Library
P.O.Box 35705
Houston, TX 77235-5705
The Public (Software) Library
Common Problems/Solutions
If this: Try this:
------------------------- ------------------------------------
Error msg.: "Bad command This is not a program error or disk
or file name". error. Check to make sure what you
typed at the DOS prompt is an actual
file name with a COM, EXE or BAT
extension. Nothing else will run.
Most disks let you get started by
typing GO at the DOS prompt.
Get error during DISKCOPY If you were copying A: to B:, try it
or DIR doesn't work. B: to A:. If you still get an error
the bad sector may not have any data
note:------------------ on it. Try copying the files onto
If you can't get DIR | another formatted disk using:
to work, the disk may | COPY *.* (See COPY in DOS manual)
have gotten zapped in | and then reformat the original disk.
the mail somehow. You | If that doesn't work, try turning the
may return the disk to| disk media to see if the jacket has
us for recopying. | been crushed. If the media does not
----------------------- turn freely, draw the edges of the
disk across a sharp edge, such as the
edge of a desk:
/ / \ /
/ < O > /
/ \ / /
| |
| |
Program locks up machine (1) If you have an IBM monochrome
as soon as run. (or Hercules monochrome) card and
monitor, you cannot run programs
note:------------------- with CGA graphics. (2) If you have
some graphics programs | other utilities resident in memory,
will run on a Hercules | try booting up a plain DOS disk
card with the help of | without them. (3) If you have a one-
HGCIBM on the Hercules | color monitor (eg: amber or green)
Utilities Disk (#860). | you may not be seeing instructions
------------------------ on the screen that are written in
color. Get BWVID on disk 1-UT-280.
(4) If at all possible, try it on
another machine, preferably with a
different version of DOS. (5) Try
turning on your printer. (6) Read
the documentation.
Program locks up after it May be an undiscovered program bug.
has been running ok for a If you can start over from the original
while. disk and duplicate the problem, please
report the steps to us and/or to the
author using the form above. Also see
the previous suggestions above.
Try recopying the files from the disk
that we sent you. (Always work from a
copy and not the original disk.)
Program asks for a file 99% of the time, this problem occurs
that is not on the disk. because the user has not read in the
documentation about how to start up the
program or about extra files only sent
to people who register with the author.
Program or file names shown The actual file name may be a little
in the documentation are different, such as the practice of
not on the disk. putting the version number in the file
name (eg: SDIR26.COM is SDIR ver. 2.6).
Files may be combined into an ARC file.